

Pidgin SSL Certificate Error? Here’s The Fix

Pidgin SSL Certificate Error? Here’s The Fix


Update: The latest version of Pidgin (2.7.7) has fixed this issue. For Windows users, uninstall your current version, download and install the latest version. For Ubuntu users, add the following PPA and update your system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pidgin-developers/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
If you are using Pidgin to connect to your MSN messenger, you will probably receive the SSL certificate error message. it’s kinda irritating and prevents you from connecting to your MSN account. Here’s the fix.

1. Go to https://omega.contacts.msn.com/
2. On the URL bar, click on the security lock (usually just in front of the URL). Click on the certificate information.
3. Go to the Detail tab and click the “Export” button. Save the file as “omega.contacts.msn.com” (without the quotes).
4. Copy and paste this file to
“/home/your-username/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers/omega.contacts.msn.com”. When prompted, select “Replace” to replace the existing file.
That’s it. Open your Pidgin and the SSL certificate error will be gone.